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Friday, July 27, 2007

Al-Qaeda in Iraq

Well we have done it again, shot ourselves in the foot. How so? A news item that got almost zero attention was on Lou Dobbs this week. “ 50% of Al-Qaeda fighters are Iraqi citizens.” How can this be? We are there to help the Iraqis.

Yea, well don’t forget the little factoid that, “40% of young Iraqi males are unemployed. That is a lot of pissed off heavy testosterone people. If it does not make sense at first, follow the money. Al-Qaeda is funded mostly by Saudi Arabia. Al-Qaeda pays Iraqis money to kill Americans. It does not get better than that. Americans don’t pay. But if you get shot or injured the Americans will take you to a hospital and patch you up. A job killing people with health benefits, what a deal.

Liberty or Death

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